About Results Today, LLC

Motivational & Sales Training


Sales Training

A Basis for Success sales training program: This course is a one-day training program, that includes a mixture of lecture, video, interactive discussion and role playing exercises. This short and simple program is packed with material and real life stories that can come only from first-hand experience. Part sales training and part personal development, this program will start...or re-start the thinking process  that leads to greater achievement and results, show a refreshing review of the steps in the sales process and provide some real hands-on techniques for improved results.  

Motivational Training

Most people are aware of Zig Ziglar, who was without any argument the most influential personal motivation personality to appear on any stage in any generation. Sadly, he passed on in 2012, but not before he touched more than 250 million people in his life, speaking to his core philosophy that " You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." We are both blessed and honored to be a part of the Ziglar Legacy Certified training program. This program was established  to carry on the legacy of Zig Ziglar by offering personal development programs based on his teachings over an amazing fifty year span. We are certified to offer these Ziglar training programs:

  • Building a Better You
  • Building Winning Relationships
  • Goal Setting and Achievement

Each of these presentations can be offered to meet your specific time constraints and/or personnel needs. 

In addition to these  training courses, we also can provide you with a wide variety  of Ziglar motivational products in multiple formats - Books, CDs, MP3 - all of which contain the time honored wisdom of "America's Geatest Motivator".